October 2, 2018

Updating Your Citrix Account

Having a Citrix account is essential to working with Citrix technologies.  You will need one if you want to download software, open a ticket, participate in the forums.  Over the years, these accounts have gone by a few different names: Citrix.com account, MyCitrix account, or Citrix support account.

Your Citrix account can also be used as point of authentication into Citrix Cloud services like Workspace.  These accounts are tied to an organization and should be managed during staffing changes.

Managing Accounts:
  • Accounts can have different levels of privilege (not all accounts have the same access)
  • Your sales account team can not change levels of privilege as they are not a part of your organization
  • To modify security access on individual accounts see CTX130127 for details
  • If there has been a lot of staffing changes in your organization, often the easiest thing to do is to call Customer Service (1-800-424-8749) and have them help you figure out who in the organization has the permissions to elevate new accounts.  They can also make the changes for you.
  • Manage your account at www.citrix.com/account
  • Change your password at www.citrix.com/welcome/request-password.html

TL;DR version:

1. Go to www.citrix.com/account
2. Under Dashboard, click on Administer Company User Access
3. Go to Contact restrictions tab.
4. Select the contacts who should have administrator access and click submit.
5. The portal will take time to reflect the changes, allow up to 2 hours minimum to see the changes.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to add new staff to your Citrix account, check out this article https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX120355.

    Here is a good link to bookmark, page with links and references to both technical support and customer service https://www.citrix.com/support/customer-service.html
