April 16, 2019

Citrix VDA Install Error - Unable to start Setup

This post is to explain how to fix the "Unable to start Setup. Please check your installation media and try again" error when installing the Server VDA with Desktop Flag.


During the installation of the VDA the below error comes up

Check the VDA install log (xendesktop installation.log) in this location
C:\Users\username\appdata\local\temp\citrix\xendesktop installer

You'll see the below error in the log "Server VDI cannot be installed if Windows Remote Desktop Service Roles are installed"


Remove the Remote Desktop Session Host Role and reboot the VM.
Once the VM is rebooted attempt the installation again


The Remote Desktop Session Host role is installed and it can't be present for a Server VDI VDA installation.

SageLike Post ID: SL0022

Applies to:

Windows Server VDA's and installing the VDI VDA that previously had the Server VDA installed.   


  1. "Resolution:

    Remove the Remote Desktop Session Host Role and reboot the VM." - Love such brief solutions :)
