This blog post complements a previous blog post I wrote a bit ago talking about not using your physical image in your virtual environment. To check out that one please refer here.
Are you using anti-virus, anti-malware, data loss prevention (DLP) software or the like on your virtual desktops? Are you treating them the same as you would on a physical desktop? If the answer was yes to both this is the blog for you. If you are not using anti-virus on your virtual desktop that is a whole other conversation and potential can of worms that needs to be addressed. When running any of the various security tools out there we need to consider the need to configure the proper exclusions to ensure everything runs properly and the users are not getting performance degradation because these exclusions are missing. I see this all of the time that folks are not properly implementing the proper security tool exclusions into their virtual desktop images or they configure the exclusions in the various consoles and they can be shown when asked but machines are not landing in the proper container to actually get the exclusions. I recently was working with a customer that was suffering severely slow/long application launch times in applications such as Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, etc... Upon examining they were capturing things like the Outlook OST, Teams Cache and OneDrive cache into virtual disks stored on a network share as VHD/VHDX files. When users would log onto a virtual desktop and these virtual disks mounted they were being actively scanned by anti-virus and when the Outlook, Teams and OneDrive clients were trying to read the data on the virtual disks performance was hampered because of the scan.
The above not only just applies to non-persistent desktops but to fully persistent desktops as well. I know I will get the response of "aren't persistent desktops the same as physical desktops?" The answer is yes and no. While anything that gets written to the disk is fully stateful and there may or may not be any profile management happening on these desktops. There are still the core virtual desktop components installed to deliver folks the remote display capability with the requisite virtual channels to allow for things like audio/video redirection and offloading. Therefore we still need the proper security tool exclusions to ensure everything is as optimized from the security perspective as possible. In addition to this with modern-day laptops/desktops, there are potentially a lot more resources in terms of CPU and RAM compared to what is allocated on the virtual desktop side. So, an un-optimized anti-virus/anti-malware utility's impact on the physical side may not be as noticeable.
Long story short, spending a little bit of extra effort to make sure security tools are configured properly will save the headaches of dealing with complaints about bad experience. Just as I said in the previous blog of the common adage "you can't build a house on a bad foundation." This holds very true on this conversation as well.If you have any thoughts, we would like to hear from you below in the comments.
Johnny @mrjohnnyma
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